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The Argument About Hosting Company

Free photo Blog Glow Wordpress Logo Internet Hosting Icon - Max Pixel It's like if standing out from the crowd doesn't interest hosting providers. That said, for small projects we are adding support for cheaper independent cloud providers very soon. One thing we noticed is that there's an increasing number of startups who start on a PaaS like Heroku and end up migrating to k8s later as their applications “grow out” of Heroku, due to constraints in networking, performance, security, etc.They seem to be particularly targetting users who are migrating off of Heroku (and are migrating to 'their own' Kubernetes) due to cost, at which point $72/m is likely a tiny drop in the bucket.Second, I agree with you that the EKS pricing is extremely restrictive for small projects, and especially for projects that require multiple clusters. Can someone please list the existing "Heroku" on K8s PAAS (I know about a dozen on top of my mind) and compare with them one by one? If I were to use a self hosted Heroku thing, would be conflicted about it being based on K8s.On the one hand, I get it that what you're doing is complex and K8s does a lot of it for you. And they lie in a spectrum of abstraction: on one end, there are OpenShift and Rancher that requires knowledge of Kubernetes to some extent. Article was created by GSA Content Generator DEMO!

With "devops mode" turned on, Porter looks more like OpenShift and Rancher. We've talked to the engineers who built out these IDP's at different companies because we wanted to build a generalized solution that is not specific to one company's devops culture. And this is motivated by seeing companies develop internal developer platform (IdP) that I mention in the post - we want to create a platform that abstracts k8s away to the extent of Heroku's DX while accommodating the DevOps engineers' need for flexibility/configurability on top of k8s. Essentially, there are two user personas we are building for: an application developer with no knowledge of k8s and the devops engineers who need to help the application developers and often even build out an IdP. Accessed using the Azure key vault task in our devops pipeline. This was our biggest hesitation when we were first evaluating the idea - we thought companies want to either "outsource" devops completely by using something like Heroku, or hire a devops engineer to do the devops work, obviating the need for a platform like this.However, we were surprised to find that a lot of our users actually fall in the middle - they want to run things in their own cloud, but don't want to deal with the complexity of k8s.

In my opinion, at least as it currently stands, Cloud 66's Maestro and Convox fall somewhere in between.Our goal with Porter is to create a platform that accommodates both ends of the spectrum. Would 'your own' not at least also imply bare metal? You can easily showcase and sell your products or services to the online world by having an online shop. The only step up from this is to have an interactive, radically simplified version of the product embedded in the landing pageJust having a live demo link would be great. It's great to see enterprises like Alibaba build out these types of internal developer platform (IDP) around Helm. Also, just so you know, the abbreviation IdP (with that particular capitalization) is already a term in security, particularly in the context of single sign-on; there it stands for identity provider. So let's say you decide to get dedicated hosting, you might be asking yourself what you need to look at to determine which is the better dedicated server provider.

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